For more than 30 years, the three largest burger chains in the United States have not served Pepsi products in their establishments, but have opted for their main rival, Coca-Cola. On the eve of National Burger Day, which kicks off Memorial Day weekend, Pepsi is trying to change the narrative with a campaign that spans digital, print and social media.
"Part of being a challenging brand is having the confidence to speak out unarticulated cultural truths, especially when they disagree with a fundamental truth about your product". Todd Kaplan, VP of Marketing for PepsiCo, said on his LinkedIn account.
"We knew it was time to act," Kaplan said, after quote that 60% of consumers preferred Pepsi to Coca-Cola with it's Big Macs, Whoppers and Dave's Singles, according to a study.
But the play extends further: Consumers can post a photo of their favorite burger from any restaurant with a Pepsi and the hashtag #BetterwithPepsi on social media for a chance to receive a refund for their drink. The compensation offer is also available by clicking on the #BetterwithPepsi Facebook and Instagram ads, with payments spread via Venmo, PayPal, or digital gift card.